“Building healthy, respectful relationships through awareness and education”
Domestic Violence
Academic studies indicate that both men and women are victims as well as perpetrators of domestic violence. Historically, men are more likely to inflict injury. However, domestic violence, by definition, is not limited to physical abuse... Read More
Teen Dating
Dating Violence occurs among all races, ages, religions, and socio-economic levels. No state, no city, no community is immune. Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime. Dating violence often starts with teasing and name calling... Read More
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault and abuse is any type of sexual activity that you do not agree to, or under threat or coercion. Whether by an acquaintance or a stranger, sexual assault can occur forcibly and/or against a person’s will, or when a person is incapable of giving consent, including... Read More
Sonoma County’s Resource for education and information on Domestic Violence, Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault.